Books I Have Read
There is no way to be a care partner for an incurable, long-term illness without the wisdom and support of those who have come before me.During each phase, which means, during each of MY phases of being my husband's care [...]
There is no way to be a care partner for an incurable, long-term illness without the wisdom and support of those who have come before me.During each phase, which means, during each of MY phases of being my husband's care [...]
"Good morning, it is so good to see you!" This greeting, from someone who has not seen me for many years. "You remember who I am!" I exclaim. "Of course I do, my dear, welcome!" [...]
"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said." – Peter Drucker I was not born being a reflective listener. In fact, these days I am able to admit to myself what I [...]