There is no way to be a care partner for an incurable, long-term illness without the wisdom and support of those who have come before me.

During each phase, which means, during each of MY phases of being my husband’s care partner, I have struggled with acceptance, adaptation, and supporting him while keeping myself healthy and intact. When I celebrated a significant birthday, my dear garden goddess sisters showered me with compliments and love, framing me in a most enlightened, affirming manner. When the accolades had been fully delivered, I could not speak because of the lump in my throat. Only one of this group had known me before Mark’s diagnosis, when we were a “couple just like other couples”…and the only thing I could choke out was that I would not be the person before them without the experience of living with primary progressive multiple sclerosis, with the lesions affecting Mark’s fragile central nervous system and neurological well being.

My own blend of responses, which I have built on my spirituality and creativity, drew me to these books. And some of these books came to me, through friends who know me, and even from Mark, who REALLY knows me. I am grateful forever and ever for all of this guidance and support of peoples’ shared wisdom and experience. My bookshelf overflows, each one related in some way to this core grouping.