On the occasion of ten years of living in our little house, which I affectionately yet seriously call the Hanlon Hermitage, I wanted to do something special.

When we moved in, the outdoor space was a small plot of green grass. Perfect for me, as I regarded it as a blank canvas.

At first I thought I would create a lush, coffee style book. detailing its growth and development.

But then my love for storytelling moved in a different direction. A short documentary! This way, we could share it with our friends and family over the miles. A small detail that a book sitting on a table in our living room could not achieve.

Many people know of our gardens, have received bouquets and cards, or given us gifts for our gardens, but few have been able to visit.

This is our opportunity to welcome each and every one of you. We hope you enjoy your time with us!

You, too can own a piece of the Hanlon Hermitage!

Check out Mark’s work on Fine Art America, where you can purchase his beautiful images as prints, mugs, bags and more…